nacpan beach resort

S Resort El Nido​

S Resort El Nido 酒店,落座于整个爱妮岛镇上最中心的位置,合理的价位,干净舒适的房间环境带点潮牌的时尚感,加上优越地理位置,附近吃的、逛的应有尽有,早上出海跳岛的行程集合处就在饭店出去3分钟的爱妮岛沙滩,非常方便。S Resort El Nido 酒店绝对是来爱妮岛度假,住宿镇上最不可错过的高CP值新选择!

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S Resort El Nido​


S Resort El Nido 隶属于知名 Nacpan Beach Glamping 底下,为同一管理公司。
S Resort El Nido 不只是间舒适整洁的酒店,更是一处以服务为中心的酒店,让来爱妮岛远离尘嚣、拥抱自然的旅客,感受爱妮岛阳光般的笑容与热诚的服务,在异地也令人安心。

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S Resort El Nido

We can help you arrange for a pick up through our partner agency for an additional cost

Unfortunately, the center table separating the Twin beds is fixed and thus the beds can not be fused together. The Superior Queen rooms have one queen sized bed as an option.

Hi, yes we arrange a van transfer from PPS Airport to S Hotel. for the Ferry port we are 3 minutes walk from S hotel.

Hi, yes we are DOT accredited.

Yes we arrange an island hopping tours.

Hello, we are 10-15 mins away from El Nido Airport and 5-6 hours away from Puerto Princesa Airport. Thank you!

Yes, we have private toilet and refrigerator in every room.